Lead provider framework

NHS England has launched the start of the process to create a framework agreement for commissioning support services.

The framework will be available to organisations, both within and outside the NHS, who want to procure some or all of their health and social care commissioning support services, ranging from non-frontline support services to bespoke services that support local and large scale service design change projects, from the best quality providers.

It aims to be the only framework providing the full range of health and social care support services in a fast, simple and cost effective manner and over the next four years, it is anticipated that between £3billion and £5billion of services will be procured through it.

NHS England is inviting bids from any organisation or group of organisations that can deliver the services in scope, including NHS bodies, local authorities, private sector and VCS suppliers.

In March, NHS England will also be launching a separate niche and specialist supplier list for commissioners to find out more about the services that small to medium enterprises and VCS organisations provide. These organisations offer deep subject matter expertise, which will support commissioners to secure the very best outcomes for specific patient conditions.

To download a pre-qualification questionnaire for the lead provider framework, please register on the NHS Business Services Authority eTendering Service website at https://nhsbsa.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml.