NAVCA publishes health survey findings

NAVCA has published three research briefings exploring local charities and voluntary organisations' attitudes and experiences of local health organisations.

The three reports explore the nature of their relationship with local clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and local Healthwatch and the extent to which they feel able to influence Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA).

The reports were based on the findings of a NAVCA survey of its members and the wider VCS. The survey received 122 responses, from organisations working with a range of beneficiaries, incomes and geographical areas.

  • JSNAs – There is a mixed picture in terms of voluntary organisations feel their views and those of their beneficiaries influenced and impacted upon local priorities. Some local relationships are in their early stages of development, although others report feeling excluded from the development of JSNA or that involvement has been largely symbolic and so has little impact. To download the report visit
  • Healthwatch – Overall the view is positive. The majority of respondents stated that they are engaged at least to some extent with Healthwatch and a significant proportion feel the views of their beneficiaries are represented. To download the report visit
  • CCGs – Results suggest that there is considerable variation between CCGs, even within single counties. Respondents repeatedly stressed that work with CCGs is in its early days and were, on the whole, positive about developments. However, responses highlight that there remains a significant proportion of organisations that have not been able to engage with CCGs, and which feel their beneficiaries’ needs and views are not taken into account. To download the report visit