Improving General Practice emerging findings report

NHS England has published their emerging findings report on a future strategy for commissioning general practice services.

To download the emerging findings report visit

Building on the outcome of engagement with stakeholders in 2013 under Improving General Practice – a Call to Action, the report focuses on the central role NHS England wants general practice to play in wider systems of primary care, and it describes their ambition for greater collaboration with clinical commissioning groups in the commissioning of general practice services.

For further information on the 2013 call to action visit

Transformational change will be led locally by area teams and CCGs, but NHS England will outline the work underway nationally to support it.

In addition, NHS England have published an Independent analysis of responses received during last year’s engagement around this call to action, which can be downloaded at

NHS England will engage further with patient groups, other partners and stakeholders over the next few months at national and local level to further shape our thinking. They will publish their strategic framework for commissioning primary care in the autumn, taking into account the outcome of similar engagements for NHS dental, community pharmacy and eye health services.