Public Health England Annual Conference

Public Health England will host its second annual conference on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 September at the University of Warwick, building on the success of last year's event which brought together over 1,300 participants representing around 400 organisations, to learn and meet each other. 

The conference will aim to showcase the latest advances, knowledge and best practice in public health, with evidence into practice at the core of the programme. It will also include a keynote address by The Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health.

The cost of the conference is £115 per day for charities, universities and the public sector, including refreshments and conference documentation.

Prior to the start of the conference, masterclasses will run during the afternoon of Monday 15 September. There will be no additional charge to attend these masterclasses but the opportunity to reserve places at these sessions is restricted to those who book to attend the conference. The masterclasses are:

  • Health and Wellbeing Framework for England;
  • Evaluation in public health;
  • Non communicable disease prevention and control; and
  • Innovation in public health.

For further information on the conference and to book visit