East Midlands NHS Sustainable Development Network event

The next East Midlands NHS Sustainable Development Network event will take place on Wednesday 30 April at the Nottingham Conference Centre, Burton Street, Nottingham NG1 4BU. 

The East Midlands NHS Sustainable Development Network aims to equip organisations that commission and deliver health services to meet national carbon reduction emissions targets of 80 percent by 2050 whilst saving energy and improving the quality, productivity and effectiveness of health services.  It provides strategic engagement for stakeholders and helps to share best practice and learning. 

This event will aim to support organisations that commission and deliver health services in the East Midlands to deliver a whole health community approach to developing sustainable health services.

The event will bring together those involved in commissioning and delivering health services in the East Midlands, from the NHS and other Health Service organisations, academia, public health, the VCS and industry to share knowledge and learn from each other. There will be opportunities to develop organisations’ own Sustainable Development Management Plans.  

Jonathon Porritt CBE, writer, broadcaster and commentator on sustainable development, and David Pencheon, Head of the Sustainable Development Unit, will inform delegates have about the latest issues and guidance regarding Sustainability and Sustainable Health services. Delegates will also hear about the final report of the East Midlands NHS Carbon Reduction Project and key issues from the Public Health England event in the East Midlands. 

The event will be chaired by Dr Margaret Abbott from NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group.

Places are limited at the event and representatives from health services organisations and people with knowledge and expertise in sustainable development will be prioritised. 

To book a place email helen.ross@nottinghamcity.gov.uk with your name, organisation, job title, email address, telephone number, access and directory requirements, geographical coverage of organisation and preferences from the following lists of workshops:

  • Carbon Reduction in Estates
  • Procurement and commissioning
  • Sustainable Care Homes
  • Sustainable Travel
  • Sustainable food
  • NHS Forest
  • Resilience and Climate Change.