Consultation on how CQC regulate, inspect and rate services

The Care Quality Commission are changing the way they regulate, inspect and rate health and care services and are consulting the public on what they think of these plans.

The consultation, which closes on Wednesday 4 June, will look at changes including what the CQC looks at on an inspection; how they judge what good care is; how they rate care services to help the public judge and choose care; and how they use information to help them decide when and where to inspect.

For further information on the consultation and to read more about the planned changes visit

To respond to the consultation:

The CQC developed the changes over the past year together with the public, providers, our staff and organisations with an interest in their work.

The CQC have also been testing their new style inspections in hospitals, mental health and community health services, and will be testing them in adult social care services and GP practices from April 2014.

Their final plans will be developed using the feedback from this consultation and will be published in September 2014. The changes will come into effect in October 2014.