Reminder: Involvement launch – Tuesday 10 June, Leicester

The launch event of Involvement, a Patient and Public Participation programme Central Midlands CSU has been commissioned to deliver by NHS England, will take place at Curve, Leicester from 10am to 1pm on Tuesday 10 June.

The programme will provide more support for colleagues who ‘do’ engagement, stronger links between different sectors and organisations, and will offer more opportunities for the public to get involved with healthcare decision-making.

The launch will feature a talk from David Gilbert, the author of the Engagement Cycle and co-director of the Centre for Patient Leadership, as well interactive workshops around partnership working, social media and consultations.

To book a free place visit

For further information about Involvement visit and follow @NHSInvolvement on Twitter.

To contact the Involvement team email or telephone Christine De Souza or Ruth Follows on 0121 612 3806.