Mapping Health and Wellbeing Board priorities

An interactive map highlighting the priorities of all Health and Wellbeing Boards across England is now available. It is designed to support health and wellbeing boards and provide a practical tool that stimulates collaboration.

The map will allow users to:

  • Select a theme, for example smoking or healthy living. The map will then highlight all areas citing it as one of their health and wellbeing priorities.
  • Identify opportunities for learning and sharing through the map signposting similar priorities adopted by health and wellbeing boards.
  • Select a single area on the map to view a summary of the local priorities, and access links to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and data reports produced through LG Inform and LG Inform Plus highlighting measures of health and wellbeing for the area.

Themes and summaries have been developed drawing on the headline priorities identified in the Public Health England Health Profile 2013 summary for each area. The classification by priority themes is subjective and is designed to highlight where there are similarities, not provide a definitive list of all local activity.

To access the interactive map visit