Co-commissioning by CCGs and NHS England

England’s 211 clinically-led local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will get new powers to improve local health services under a new commissioning initiative announced by NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens.

Applications will need to describe the additional powers and responsibilities the CCG would like to assume. They will also need to meet a number of tests, including showing they will help advance care integration, raise standards and cut health inequalities in primary care.

They will also need to show how they will ensure transparent and fair governance, with a continuing oversight role for NHS England to safeguard against conflicts of interest, all in the context of the CCG’s five-year plan for its local NHS services.

NHS England will work with the NHS Commissioning Assembly, NHS Clinical Commissioners and other stakeholders to advance this agenda.

CCG expressions of interest should be developed by Friday 20 June, the same date that CCGs will complete their initial five-year ‘Forward Views’ for local NHS services.

Each proposal will be discussed by the applicant CCG and the local Area Team of NHS England, which will subsequently make a recommendation for approval by the Board of NHS England.