Specialist palliative care services

Specialist palliative care services in the community are continuing to lead to more people being able to die at home, according to a new report from the National Council for Palliative Care and Public Health England.

Figures from the new report, entitled National Survey of Patient Activity Data for Specialist Palliative Care Services, show that 46.2 percent of the people receiving specialist palliative care in the community died in their own home, the place where most people say they want to die. This compares with only 21.8 percent nationally.

To download the full report visit www.ncpc.org.uk or www.endoflifecare-intelligence.org.uk/home.

For further information about the report read the Public Health England press release at www.gov.uk/government/news/specialist-palliative-care-services-lead-to-more-deaths-at-home.