Involvement East Midlands Network event

Involvement’s East Midlands Network is up, running and growing, and its next event is on Thursday 18 September in Nottingham. 

Running from 10am to 1pm at the Nottinghamshire Deaf Society, it will feature a speed networking opportunity and a session from Healthwatch, as well as information on the new health and social care structure and how the different parts can work together and interact.

The Network now has more than 120 members drawn from the NHS, charity, VCS and public sectors, as well as patient leaders, all of whom are encouraged to attend the event.

More broadly, the network is part of Patient and Public Participation (PPP) programme run by Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (CSU). It aims to develop and strengthen relationships between different parts of the health and social care world to help better engagement with patients and the public. It will also provide good opportunities for voluntary sector bodies and their members to give feedback to NHS organisations.

To attend the next Involvement East Midlands Network event, which includes a light lunch, book your place at

If you would like more information contact Philippa Beattie at

The Involvement team is also currently gathering case studies of examples of engagement. These can be from any organisation and could show where things have gone well, challenges that have been overcome, or lessons learnt.

Please email your case studies or suggestions for case studies to

You can also register a profile on the Involvement website to access tools, resources, groups and forum at