Reminder: Involvement - The New NHS England Patient & Public Participation Programme

Involvement is a Patient and Public Participation (PPP) programme, delivered by Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support unit (CSU on behalf of NHS England.

Wellbeing East, the regional health & social care network in the East, is working with Midlands and Lancashire CSU to support the development of this new pioneering approach to engagement in the East of England.

The aim of the Involvement PPP programme is to create a more engaged health community, where patient and public voices have a greater influence upon decisions relating to health and care; improving quality of services for all.

As a member of the Wellbeing East network, to save you time and effort, we will automatically include you on the Involvement PPP mailing list, which will include news and updates from the programme. If you do not want to be included, please let us know by emailing and putting “remove from PPP mailing list” in the subject bar. 

The Involvement programme also has a website at and we are encouraging organisations/individuals you to:

  • Visit the website and create a profile to join the online community;
  • Join groups on the website to share information and experiences, or talk about a project you are proud to have been involved in; and
  • Help engagement with colleagues by sharing and rating tools, resources, case studies and venues.

There is also an East of England Involvement - Patient and Public Participation page at, which includes a video providing a little more information on the programme, which was shown at the programme launch event.