Data security for care sector

The Health and Social Care Information Centre has been asked to take on an enhanced role by the Secretary of State for Health to help ensure data security across the care system.

In line with its own commitment to safeguarding information and encouraging transparency, the Department of Health has outlined proposals to help health and social care organisations meet this challenge, which include:

  • Strengthen compliance to certify that organisations meet their obligations and report publicly on their performance;
  • Enable organisations to access the best available services and resources to help them meet their obligations;
  • Work with commissioners and regulators to ensure data security and information governance requirements are prerequisites for providing services;
  • Establish an independent audit programme managed by the HSCIC that will continually test security arrangements across the system; and
  • Establish a national security strategy to underpin both national and local information systems.

Working closely with a range of organisations, they will now develop and implement these proposals. They will also establish an independent advisory council to provide expert advice and oversight.

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