EMAHSN Cancer Innovation Exchange

EMAHSN Cancer Innovation Exchange, taking place on Monday 1 December at the Nottingham Belfry, Mellor’s Way, Nottingham NG8 6PY, will focus on the opportunity to put proven innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer into practice at pace and scale throughout the East Midlands.

The event is organised and hosted by the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network(EMAHSN) in partnership with the East Midlands NHS Strategic Clinical Networks and Medilink East Midlands.

The EMAHSN, supported by their NHS partner organisations throughout the East Midlands, has recently adopted cancer diagnosis and treatment as one of their key clinical areas and this event will launch this programme.

The event will bring together senior representatives from NHS service providers, clinicians, commissioners, social care, patients, industry and the third sector to build shared understanding, develop collaboration and support the uptake of proven innovations, focused on addressing one of the region’s biggest healthcare challenges.

Chaired by Sir Neil McKay, the programme will include:

  • Expert keynote speakers to outline the cancer healthcare challenge, including Stephen Ryder, Clinical Director, East Midlands Cancer SCN
  • The East Midlands situation, challenges and opportunities from clinician, commissioner, third-sector and patient perspectives
  • Networking opportunities and information areas
  • Breakout sessions on the key priority areas of improving early diagnosis, accelerating access to care, workforce capacity and capability, improving community based treatment
  • An opportunity for companies to present overviews of relevant proven innovations
  • Details of the EMAHSN programme to support putting innovations into practice
  • Keynote Speaker Michael Peake, Clinical Lead National Cancer Intelligence Network.

The event will include a call for project proposals from EMAHSN, the focus of which will be implementation of proven innovations at pace and scale. Potential projects should align with and be complimentary to existing plans for the improvement of cancer diagnosis and treatment across the East Midlands.

Places are limited on this free event. To book visit www.medilinkem.com/events/events-calendar/2014/12/01/cancerinnovationexchange.

If you are the supplier of a new proven innovative product or service which may be relevant but which is not yet in widespread use throughout the East Midlands and you wish to be considered for one of the innovation overview presentation slots on the programme then email info@medilinkem.com for an expression of interest form.