Increase in VCS employment and training levels

Employment levels in the VCS experienced a slight recovery during the final quarter of 2011 according to the latest analysis of the Labour Force Survey, with an additional 36,000 employees entered VCS paid workforce between October and December 2011. This represents an increase of around 5% on the previous quarter and increases the sector's workforce to 759,000 individuals, 2.6% of total UK employment, and follows six consecutive quarters during which employment in the sector either fallen or remained static. Over the past 12 months, the sector's workforce fell by 33,000, a 4% decline. The latest figures are also encouraging in regard to training levels across the sector, with around 41% of employees having received training over the past three months, a greater proportion than in either the public or the private sector. The latest findings were produced and analysed by the Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) in partnership with Skills -Third Sector. The findings are part of an ongoing study by the three bodies into VCS workforce trends.