Using the Compact as a tool for local collaboration between health bodies and the voluntary and community sector

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This East of England Involve me nt event will be facilitated by Leanne Wightman, Local Engagement Senior Officer, Compact Voice.


The increased emphasis the Health and Social Care Act 2012 placed on public engagement, prevention, integration, public health and inequalities means a great deal of the success of these reforms will rely on good partnership working between the various local bodies and makes the role of the VCS more, not less, important to the health and well-being agenda.


Why is this important to me?

Now is the time for statutory and local voluntary partners to work even more closely together to achieve positive outcomes for their communities and to create the virtuous cycle of effective engagement, quality services, increased social value and community capacity, without which health inequalities and gaps in services and support will widen.

The Compact is the agreement that underpins effective local partnerships between VCS and public bodies. The Compact is a tool for collaboration and strengthens the contribution made by all partners as well as creating opportunities for collaboration between partners. The end aim of an agreement to work in partnership is to further develop better public services and community opportunities for the benefit of local people.  


Who should attend?

This session would be of interest to those who have responsibilities for commissioning and public engagement, in particular CCG staff, including CCG Board Members and those staff working in Commissioning Support Units; Academic Health & Science Networks; local authority commissioners and Area Teams; members of Health and Wellbeing Boards; local Healthwatch and VCS organisations who can help statutory partners meet these duties and responsibilities and/or shape and deliver solutions to the local priorities identified in JSNAs and joint health and wellbeing strategies.


Session outline

  • An overview of about the Compact and Compact Voice
  • Challenging common myths about the Compact
  • Why should health bodies work with the VCS?
  • What are the advantages of Compact working?
  • Next Steps - partnership working locally
  • Further resources


Numbers will be limited to a maximum of 40 people, so booking is essential.

For more information about Involvement please visit

21 January 2015 10:00 through 12:30
Brickhill Community Centre
Avon Drive
Bedford, BDF MK41 7AF
United Kingdom
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Phone: 0115 934 8471