
Displaying 291 - 300 of 881

Sorp publication date announced

The Charity Commission has stated that it expects the new Sorp to be published by the end of June 2014, with it taking effect in 2015.

Crowdfunding initiatives launched

Two separate crowdfunding initiatives, Yimba and the Community First CrowdMatch Challenge, aiming to unlock grassroots giving, have been launched.

Trends in charity publications

Print remains an important medium for communicating with supporters, and charities should ask audiences how they want to receive information, according to the CharityComms report, Reading Between the Lines.

VCS board members appointed to D2N2 LEP

Following an open recruitment process for VCS representation on the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Board, Rachel Quinn, Chief Executive of One East Midlands, is delighted to report that Rob Crowder, Chief Executive of Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire has been selected.

Regulation of charity advertising

The Advertising Standards Authority is reviewing its approach to regulating charity adverts, whereby charities are given more leeway to use sensitive and upsetting content, in response to public concern about messages from charities.

Transforming Challenge Award

18 local authorities, including four in the East Midlands, will share a £6.9million reward for overhauling how they do business, a part of the government’s pledge to transform public services.

Know your local economy to..... Access EU funding

The Reach & Impact project are running two free half day workshops on Tuesday 5 November at St James Centre, Derby, designed to help VCS organisations, funding/support advisers and development workers start to prepare and think about how they may take advantage of opportunities in the next EU Structural and Investment Funds 2014-20 programme.

Change in Shadow Minister for Civil Society following re-shuffle

Gareth Thomas has been moved out of his post as Shadow Minister for Civil society and in to the Shadow Europe Portfolio as part of Labour Leader Ed Miliband's ministerial re-shuffle.

New audio podcasts for trustees

The Charity Commission, the regulator of charities in England and Wales, has launched a new series of audio podcasts, designed to help charity trustees understand their duties under charity law.

National Minimum Wage rose from 1 October 2013

On Tuesday 1 October 2013 the National Minimum Wage rose in accordance with the recommendations set out by the independent Low Pay Commission in April this year.



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