
Displaying 311 - 320 of 881

Stamp duty tax relief on joint purchases

Charities which have jointly purchased a property with an organisation which is not a charity, such as a trading arm, can now claim for overpaid stamp duty land tax, following a Court of Appeal ruling.

Support from Business in the Community

Business in the Community engages professionals firms to provide free professional services and individual volunteers to provide mentoring support to community enterprises seeking assistance with strategic development in the local area.

Compact and Office for Civil Society action plan

Compact Voice and the Office for Civil Society have announced a joint action plan to address concerns raised by the National Audit Office in 2012 and strengthen use of the Compact across government departments.

Britain’s Personal Best

Britain's Personal Best is a national Olympic Legacy initiative funded by the Big Lottery Fund to get people to achieve their very own personal best. This could be for their individual good or for a good cause, culminating in the weekend of 4 to 6 October.

Online directory of VCS organisations working with offenders

Clinks, the umbrella body for VCS organisations working with offenders, has launched an online directory for VCS organisations to promote their work in criminal justice to primes and commissioners.

Locality Brokers pilot project

The Locality Brokers pilot project is offering two new services for community groups seeking property professionals with a track record of working with the community sector.

Cabinet Office supports two match fund initiatives

The Cabinet Office has put money behind two match funding initiatives in a bid to attract more giving both to small charities and larger ones.

Transforming Local Infrastructure: early indications

Transforming Local Infrastructure, the £30million government grant fund aiming to create strong local support for the voluntary sector, shows early signs of having been a success, according to an analysis by Navca.

One Cent Call microdonation platform

A new donation service has been launched, which allows people to donate small amounts to charity from their mobile phone plan.

University of Nottingham request for community partners

The University of Nottingham is trialling an experiment in 2014 to take a series of lectures and research out of the University and into public venues and events.


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