BME Network

BME Network Logo

One East Midlands coordinates the BME Network in the East Midlands, is an independent platform to inform and engage BME* and equality focused organisations, which aims to:

  • Identify the gaps and priorities in BME service delivery and policy influence
  • Provide support and accountability to BME representation within key regional strategic networks
  • Provide tailored information to the BME sector about opportunities, resources, policy changes and other issues, which impact on the sector in the region.

It is essential for the network to have engagement from a broad and diverse membership base from within the BME sector. The network will:

  • Work together to remove barriers to participation
  • Link with the existing expertise and skills within the region
  • Use a mixture of formal and informal consultation and engagement
  • Engage with current campaigns and existing projects to improve the network's influence and increase engagement

Tacking the challenges facing the BME third sector in the region can best be achieved through an informed, engaged and skilled network. The network will:

  • Provide research on specific challenges and opportunities for the BME sector
  • Identify capacity building opportunities for the network
  • Provide briefings on relevant regional and national policy developments
  • Develop online resources for the network
  • Disseminate relevant information to the network via a monthly e-bulletin
  • Provide opportunities for the BME third sector to make connections with other groups across the region

For more information about the BME Network please download the Network Leaflet. For further information email

Members of the network will receive a monthly BME newsletter by email. Archive issues can be downloaded below.

If you are having difficultly downloading any of the above e-bulletins please email our Information & Membership Officer at who will be able to assist you.
