Advertise with One East Midlands

You can now advertise with One East Midlands, through our website, e-bulletins, publications and events, promoting yourself, events and vacancies not only to our members but to the voluntary and community sector throughout the East Midlands. There are various ways you can advertise with us including:

  • One EM website - Our website reaches 1,000s of people each month. Advertising starts from £100 a month, with a 25% discount available for members.
  • Job vacancies - Promote your job vacancies through our website and news e-bulletins. Advertising is free for volunteer posts and as little as £100 for paid positions, or free for members, who can also take advantage of enhanced listings.
  • E-bulletins - We circulate a total of 10 e-bulletins per month, with the news e-bulletin alone reaching over 1,000 every fortnight. Advertising is only £100 an e-bulletin, with a 25% discount for members, and further discounts for multiple bookings.
  • Insight Magazine - Circulated quarterly to over 300 members. Advertising starts at £150 for an inside quarter page. Loose inserts start at £20 for 100 copies. To download our Insight Magazine Media Pack click here. To view archive issues online click here.
  • Events and sponsorship - We welcome sponsorship to deliver targeted events and publications for the VCS in the East Midlands. Stalls are also available at all our events. Prices are available on request.

For further information, including a full breakdown of prices, click here, or contact Lindsay Boyle, Communications and Research Coordinator, at or on 0115 934 8471. We are in the process of updating our membership scheme and existing members will be contacted shortly. For further information on becoming a member, therefore taking advantage of our great member advertising discounts, contact Claire Chapman, Information and Membership Officer, at