Health & Social Care

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The voluntary and community sector has made significant contributions to health and wellbeing, often reaching areas and communities that have been difficult to reach by mainstream health and social care providers. One East Midlands aims to keep the voluntary and community sector informed about these changes and where possible contribute to policy and strategy development.

Briefing: The six principles for engaging people and communities

Five years, three gaps and six principles… what are the ‘six principles for engaging people and communities’ and how do they fit in to the NHS Five Year Forward View?

Community Approaches to Health and Wellbeing - New Guidance

In the past year community-centred approaches have become more embedded in public health services and in health and social care. The new NICE guidelines will help to build on this progress, providing a clear mandate for collaboration with communities to plan, design, develop, deliver and evaluate public health, using the PHE guide as a framework for developing options in practice.

Self Care and Self Management Resources

Good self care support services provide benefits to patients and carers and offers benefits in demand and cost management to health economies.Self care can extend from making lifestyle choices like eating a healthy diet through to administering prescribed medication or using learned techniques to take care of symptoms. But Self care is under used and self care support is often remains under commissioned.

At the heart of health: Realising the value of people and communities

A new report, Realising the value of people and communities, explores the value of people and communities at the heart of health, in support of the NHS Five Year Forward View vision to develop a new relationship with people and communities 

NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans - NAVCA Briefing

NHS England requires every area to produce a Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP) as part of the NHS Five Year Forward View . This presents a great opportunity for local infrastructure. STPs are local blueprints that every part of the country will need to produce for “accelerating its implementation of the Forward View”  STPs may give you a new opportunity to develop your relationship with the partners in your local health and care system (as NHS England calls them) – as they will want to show they are engaging with the voluntary sector.

National Voices Discussion Paper: What is the role of VCSE organisations in care and support planning?

A new discussion paper from National Voices highlights the importance of the knowledge, skills, experience and resources of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to the widespread implementation of care and support planning.

Equality Delivery System for the NHS: Guide to Engagement with the Local Voluntary Sector

Race Equality Foundation, in partnership with the LGBT Foundation, Disability Rights UK, and Men’s Health Forum have launched the Equality Delivery System for the NHS (EDS2): Guide to Engagement with the Local Voluntary Sector, commissioned by NHS England.


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