
Displaying 441 - 450 of 881

Charity Commission to start considering CIO applications

The Charity Commission will start considering online applications for registration as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation from 12noon on Monday 10 December 2012.

Half of local authorities made disproportionate cuts to VCS

Half of local authorities in England reduced the amount of grant funding to the voluntary sector between 2011/12 and 2012/13 disproportionately, compared to the amount their own budgets have been reduced by, according to research from Compact Voice.

Awards for All England regional pilot

The Big Lottery Fund has announced that projects throughout England now have the opportunity to apply for repeat and on-going activities under Awards for All in a pilot scheme running until the end of March 2013.

Lloyds TSB Foundation encourage charities applications

With a guaranteed income of £25million for 2013, the Lloyds TSB Foundation is encouraging registered charities looking for support, particularly towards core costs, to visit for further information on applying for to the Foundation funding and to check eligibility via the short online questionnaire.

New CRB checking body launched

The Disclosure and Barring Service, a new organisation formed from the merger of the Criminal Records Bureau and the Independent Safeguarding Authority, has been launched.

Details of online gift aid filing scheme published

More than 18 months after announcing the move to online gift aid filing, the HMRC has published details of the new scheme at

Government responds to Lord Hodgson’s recommendations

The government has rejected Lord Hodgson’s recommendation to allow large charities to pay their trustees without authorisation from the Charity Commission and will also not abolish National Exemption Orders for house-to-house collections before an alternative system is devised.

EMVY to merge with One East Midlands

Following their AGM ON 15 November, the members of East Midlands Voluntary Youth (EMVY) have agreed to a merger with One East Midlands from 1 January 2013.

£306million deficit of small and medium-sized charities

Small and medium sized charities reported deficits of more than £300million in 2011, compared with an overall surplus of £325million in 2007, according to an analysis of the latest accounts by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).

Secondary legislation on Charitable Incorporated Organisations

Minister for Civil Society, Nick Hurd MP has published a Written Ministerial Statement, which can be downloaded here, setting out the proposed timetable for implementation of the Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO), subject to Parliamentary approval of the draft Statutory Instruments.


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