
Displaying 481 - 490 of 881

Support the Big Lottery Refund campaign

Did you know that government used £425million of Big Lottery Fund money 2012 Olympics? This funding could have supported at least 10,000 charities, enabling them to support around 8million people. The Directory of Social Change has now started a campaign to get this money paid back.

If you would like to support their Big Lottery Refund Campaign sign up to support the campaign online at,WF0F,2EJTAY,2OMSI,1.

Submit your thoughts on impact measurement tools

Inspiring Impact, a UK-wide collaboration between eight organisations, developed and delivered in partnership with the non-profit sector, wants your thoughts on the impact measurement tools you think are important to the sector.

The long-term vision of Inspiring Impact is to make high quality impact measurement the norm for charities and social enterprises by 2022. This includes measuring social impact and using the data produced to manage and increase impact and share findings.

Talent Match programme

One East Midlands are pleased to announce their new role as secretariat and partnership development support to the Big Lottery funded ‘Talent Match’ programme for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Talent Match is Big Lottery’s first strategic fund focussing on the skills and employment issues faced by young people.

The role of One EM will be:

Responses published to Register of Lobbyists consultation

The Minister for Political and Constitutional and Reform, Mark Harper has published a summary of responses to the Government’s recent consultation, entitled Introducing a Statutory Register of Lobbyists, which sets out the Government’s next steps in terms of policy development. 


The consultation, which One East Midlands responded to on behalf of our members, was open from 20 January to 20 April 2012. The Government will now develop revised policy proposals with the intention of publishing a White Paper and draft Bill during this session of Parliament.


Survey providers of learning and skills in the third sector

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has commissioned a partnership to carry out research examining the role of the VCS in bo

East Midlands Youth Alliance launched

In response to the crisis of youth unemployment Derbyshire Learning & Development Consortium has brought together organisations that work with young people to create the East Midlands Youth Alliance (EMYA), co-led by One East Midlands.

One EM member announced as BIS pilot scheme partnership member

Derbyshire Learning and Skills Consortium, a member of One East Midlands, has been announced as one of 15 partnerships across the country have been invited to take part in a pilot scheme that will give communities more power to choose which adult learning courses are available in their area.

Big Lottery Fund Assist programme

The Big Lottery Fund and NCVO have teamed up for the Assist programme, a new £6million initiative that will help VCS support and development organisations adapt to the changing needs of the frontline.

Review of Charities Act 2006 published

Lord Hodgson has published the report of his review of the Charities Act 2006, which he has also been laid before Parliament.


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