
Displaying 471 - 480 of 881

Core funding announced for LEPs

The Government has announced core funding of over £24million for Local Enterprise Partnerships to allow them to drive forward their growth priorities.


Adobe donates software to charities

Adobe has joined the Charity Technology Trust CTXchange donation programme, which offers charities and charitable housing associations design and digital editing software.


Rural Proofing

CAA Briefing

Property experiences survey

The Ethical Property Foundation, working with the Charity Commission, is inviting charities to complete a survey about their property experiences.

VCS encouraged to respond to Civil Society Red Tape Challenge

Charities and VCS organisations are being encouraged to tell the Government what more can be done to release civil society from the burden of unnecessary or ineffective regulation.

VCS employment continues to rise

Employment in the voluntary sector has experienced its second consecutive quarterly rise, according to the latest analysis of the Labour Force Survey, with the number of paid employees in the sector increased by approximately 20,000 between January and March, an increase of 2.6% on the previous quarter,

This follows on from employment levels experiencing a slight recovery during the final quarter of 2011, according to earlier analysis, with 36,000 employees entering the voluntary sector’s paid workforce between October and December 2011.


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