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One EM to launch VCS service providers' directory

In the next few months One East Midlands will be launched an online service provider's directory, enabling VCS organisations in the East Midlands to promote the services they sell to the public and private sector as well as other VCS organisations. Whatever services you supply, from room hire and catering to human resources and training, and all sellable services in between, we would like to hear from you and help you promote these services further.

Volunteering social networking website launched

ivo, a new social networking website, which claims to provide the first-ever national listing of charity volunteers, has being launched.

VCS organisations can search the website, which is designed to match people with community projects relating to their interests, for volunteers by skills and location. The website, which has been launched following the success of the 18-month i-volunteer pilot, also provides a forum where people can share their interests and experiences using blogs and videos.

One EM and SUTE business planning and funding strategy training

Stepping Up to Enterprise and One East Midlands are running four training sessions throughout the region this June covering business planning and funding strategies. The half day workshops are aimed at funding advisors and development workers.

Second round of Innovation in Giving Fund

The second round of the £10million Innovation in Giving Fund has been announced by the Cabinet Office and Nesta, focusing on inspiring innovation in established charities.

Whilst the first round focused on new ideas to increase giving, the second round calls for established charities that want to use their expertise, networks, assets and capabilities to find new ways to engage people in giving.

Go On UK launched

With the Race Online 2012 campaign comes to an end, the UK digital champion Martha Lane Fox has launches Go On UK, which aims to bring the benefits of the internet to organisations and commit to improving the digital capability of charities through the sharing of expertise and resources.

Join One East Midlands' Safer Future Communities networks

Following One East Midlands appointment to work in partnership with NAVCA and CLINKS to run four local networks in Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire, as part of the Safer Future Communities programme, we are now looking for groups to join the networks.

Guide published to avoiding job substitution

Volunteering England, in partnership with Locality, Navca and NCVO has published A Guide to Avoiding Job Substitution, explaining how VCS organisations should manage situations so that volunteers do not, or are not perceived to, take on roles previously done by paid members of staff.

Job substitution is when volunteers replace paid members of staff. It can occurs when jobs are cut and volunteers are recruited to fill gaps or when an organisation withdraws a service and community volunteers offer to run it.

Increase in VCS employment and training levels

Employment levels in the VCS experienced a slight recovery during the final quarter of 2011 according to the latest analysis of the Labour Force Survey, with an additional 36,000 employees entered VCS paid workforce between October and December 2011. This represents an increase of around 5% on the previous quarter and increases the sector's workforce to 759,000 individuals, 2.6% of total UK employment, and follows six consecutive quarters during which employment in the sector either fallen or remained static. Over the past 12 months, the sector's workforce fell by 33,000, a 4% decline.

Black Philanthropy Action Group - Members needed!

Communities Inc, a new national body specialising in innovative and creative community engagement has been asked by the Office for Civil Society to organise an action group on Black Philanthropy following our recent work in establishing a Centre for Black Philanthropy. For details visit


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