Health & Social Care

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The voluntary and community sector has made significant contributions to health and wellbeing, often reaching areas and communities that have been difficult to reach by mainstream health and social care providers. One East Midlands aims to keep the voluntary and community sector informed about these changes and where possible contribute to policy and strategy development.

PHR Programme vacancies

The Director of Research and Development for the Department of Health wishes to contract with an institution for two positions of Programme Director of the National Institute of Health Research Public Health Research Programme and Chair of the Funding Board for the programme.

Chair and member recruitment by PPVAG

The Patient and Public Voice Assurance group for Specialised Services is recruiting a chair and up to eight members.

NICE guidance to encourage healthy lifestyles

New guidance from NICE will support everyone wanting to be healthier permanently, by eating well, being more active, stopping smoking and sticking to safe drinking limits.

Film to raise awareness of use of NHS patient data

A new animated video has been developed by NHS England and the Health and Social Care Information Centre to raise awareness of how patient data are set to be collected and used to help improve care for all.

CCG funding allocations published

NHS England has published the funding allocations that clinical commissioning groups will receive over the next two years, which will see their funding rise from £96 billion to £100 billion.

CQC inspection of community health care

The Care Quality Commission has published their Fresh Start document, which sets out new ways for inspecting health care in the community. This will include more inspections carried out by larger teams and spending more time observing care.

Fundamental standards for health and social care providers

The Department of Health has launched a consultation in regard to proposed changes to Care Quality Commission registration requirements.

Removal of unnecessary health and care regulation

A review by the Department of Health found that 128 of the 555 regulations covering public health, quality of care, mental health, NHS and professional standards were not necessary. It also found that another 252 could be improved.

Prime Minister's Challenge Fund project

In October 2013, the Prime Minister announced that there would be a new £50million Challenge Fund to help improve access to general practice and stimulate innovative ways of providing primary care services.

Developing new standards for social care

The Department of Health received over 270 responses to its consultation on developing new standards for social care and has published a report highlighting the responses received and explains the department’s next steps.


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