Health & Social Care

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The voluntary and community sector has made significant contributions to health and wellbeing, often reaching areas and communities that have been difficult to reach by mainstream health and social care providers. One East Midlands aims to keep the voluntary and community sector informed about these changes and where possible contribute to policy and strategy development.

Adult safeguarding boards: VCS reps - information required

Through One East Midlands’ work with ADASS East Midlands an opportunity has arisen for the VCS to become involved in a time limited working group to develop a series of indicators that can be used at regional level to assess performance of local safeguarding functions.

Other health newsletters & e-alerts

Duncan Selbie, Public Health England Chief Executive produces a weekly bulletin. To download the latest and archive issues visit

Sex, Drugs and Roll ups: Risky behaviour and public health – 20 November

Public Health England’s Equality Forum is hosting this seminar on Wednesday 20 November at Aston University, Birmingham focusing on risky behaviour.

NHS Services, Seven Days a Week – 16 November

NHS England and NHS Improving Quality will be holding an event on Saturday 16 November in Birmingham to support the publication of new insight and evidence from the review undertaken by the NHS Services, Seven Days a Week Forum.

Improving the patient experience in hospital and community health settings

CSV and NAVSM are working together to promote the services provided by volunteers within hospital and community health settings, by producing good practice guidance.

Homecare survey generates ideas

The results of a joint homecare survey by Department of Health and Guardian Social Care Network has provided new ideas for improving homecare.

Call for evidence from residential providers

Sue Ryder, working with its Department of Health voluntary sector strategic partners the NCF and VODG, has commissioned personalisation specialists Groundswell Partnership, to write a paper exploring best practice in residential care.

Knowledge strategy for consultation

Public Health England has launched a one month consultation to inform the development of its Knowledge Strategy, which aims to harness the power of information to improve the public’s health.

Lifecourse Tracker: Wave 2 final report published

The Lifecourse Tracker: Wave 2 final report, is the second of a series of twice yearly surveys which track core health behaviours, their interactions and influences, and how these vary across key life stages.

Cold Weather Plan 2013

Public Health England has published the Cold Weather Plan for England for 2013, which aims to prevent avoidable harm to health, by alerting people to the negative health effects of cold weather, and enabling them to prepare and respond appropriately.


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