Health & Social Care

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The voluntary and community sector has made significant contributions to health and wellbeing, often reaching areas and communities that have been difficult to reach by mainstream health and social care providers. One East Midlands aims to keep the voluntary and community sector informed about these changes and where possible contribute to policy and strategy development.

Choice and competition in commissioning clinical services

In its June 2011 report, Choice and competition – delivering real choice, the NHS Future Forum highlighted the role of competition in the NHS as a tool for commissioning clinical services where it serves the interests of citizens and the choices they wish to make. 

Procurement, patient choice and competition

The government has laid regulations on procurement, patient choice and competition.

Statutory guidance on JSNAs and JHWSs

To support Health and Wellbeing Boards, the Department of Health has worked with stakeholders on producing statutory guidance, which explains the duties and powers of Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs). 

Local Healthwatch regulations explained

The Department of Health and the Local Government Association has jointly published Local Healthwatch Regulations Explained, with the advice and support of Healthwatch England and NAVCA.

Health & Social Care Act briefing

The implementation of the Health & Social Care Act 2012 required the largest ever transition programme in the history of the NHS. As clinical commissioning groups, health and wellbeing boards and Healthwatch take centre stage at a local level, the voluntary and community sector faces a range of issues and challenges. 

Healthwatch Communities Involved Programme

NAVCA, the voice of local voluntary and community action, is offering a series of free half-day workshops across the country, including two in the East Midlands, aimed at those who would like to take part in their local Healthwatch but have little or no experience from a health and social care environment. 

Clinical Reference Groups: Patient and Carer Member Recruitment Launched

The NHS Commissioning Board has opened the application process for patient and carer members of its 74 Clinical Reference Groups for 2013/14. 

New resources for VCS working with new health structures

Regional Voices, the partnership of nine regional networks, including One East Midlands, is producing a suite of resources to support the VCS work with new structures in the health and care landscape to promote the welfare of the communities the sector serves. 


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