Health & Social Care

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The voluntary and community sector has made significant contributions to health and wellbeing, often reaching areas and communities that have been difficult to reach by mainstream health and social care providers. One East Midlands aims to keep the voluntary and community sector informed about these changes and where possible contribute to policy and strategy development.

Business for Health

Business for Health is a free training and business support programme, which aims to assist existing and potential third sector supplies to identify business opportunities in the growing health and social care market place and to gear up to respond.

Online platform to prevent non-communicable diseases

The UK Health Forum launched a new online platform for public health advocates working to prevent non-communicable diseases.

PIP information for support organisations

The Department for Work and Pensions has published information about Personal Independence Payment (PIP), which support organisations are encouraged to use as part of their communications with their own staff and customers.

Accessible information in the NHS

The Public Voice Team is working on a project to develop and implement an Information Standard around accessible information for the NHS.

Social care data collection

Care and Support Minister, Norman Lamb has announced an overhaul of how social care data is collected in order to help improve the way care and support is measured.

Making Britain the best country in the world to grow old

The Secretary of State for the Department of Health, Jeremy Hunt, has launched a period of engagement around plans to improve care for vulnerable older people.

National Call for Primary Care Linkage models

The Mental Health Providers Forum is issuing a call for good practice so they can begin to identify where pockets of good practice and innovative concepts are emerging around the country.

Briefing on the Francis Report

Voluntary Organisations Disability Group, the National Care Forum and Sue Ryder have produced a two part briefing on the Francis Report and the resulting reforms that will impact on social care providers.

Clinical Reference Group stakeholder registration

Registration is now open for all stakeholders to register, including patients, public, voluntary sector organisations and clinical and non-clinical professionals, as stakeholders for a Specialised Services Clinical Reference Group.

Improving general access – a call to action

NHS England is engaging with local communities, clinicians and stakeholders, about the best possible way to develop general practice for the future.


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