Health & Social Care

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The voluntary and community sector has made significant contributions to health and wellbeing, often reaching areas and communities that have been difficult to reach by mainstream health and social care providers. One East Midlands aims to keep the voluntary and community sector informed about these changes and where possible contribute to policy and strategy development.

Lay and VCS representatives for support general practice improvement programme

The national primary medical services programme is establishing a steering group to help shape quality improvement in general practice. 

PHE Public Involvement Strategy

Public Health England are developing a public and patient involvement strategy and would welcome your input. 

Call for evidence on general practice services sector

Monitor has issued a call for evidence to determine the extent to which commissioning and provision of general practice services is operating in the best interests of patients.

Draft guidance for commissioners procuring patient services

Monitor is seeking views on proposed guidance to help commissioners comply with new procurement, patient choice and competition regulations so that their patients receive the best possible health services. 

East Midlands LETB five year workforce strategy

The NHS East Midlands Local Education Training Board (LETB) have shared their five year Workforce Strategy.

CCGs and voluntary sector grants

NHS England are currently developing guidance for clinical commissioning groups around grants and the voluntary sector. 

Health and social care honour nominations

The Department of Health are seeking help with honour nominations for health and social care across all categories and at all award levels. 

Local health and social care volunteering fund 2013

The Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund (HSCVF) has launched its 2013 local grant and capacity building scheme and would like to encourage small voluntary sector organisations, working with hard to reach groups to apply.  

The new NHS in 2013 - What it means for you

NHS Employers have produced a useful infographic explaining how the new NHS is structured, including the using of the NHS, the monitoring of the NHS and the NHS workforce.

Maintaining independence of Healthwatch

Regional Voices, which One East Midlands is part of, in partnership with Healthwatch England and Compact Voice have developed a briefing for developing local Healthwatch organisations.


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