Health & Social Care

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The voluntary and community sector has made significant contributions to health and wellbeing, often reaching areas and communities that have been difficult to reach by mainstream health and social care providers. One East Midlands aims to keep the voluntary and community sector informed about these changes and where possible contribute to policy and strategy development.

Longer Lives

Public Health England has launched Longer Lives, a new website which allows local people to see easily how their areas perform on early deaths from the major four killers, like heart disease and cancer, and how this varies across the country.

Local Health online tool

Local Health, an online tool that presents data on populations in England, has been updated with new indicators and an improved interface.

Tools to improve information and advice about social care

A new set of tools that show how people find out about social care support and the challenges they face in getting good information and advice has been launched by Think Local Act Personal.

2014 GSK IMPACT Awards

The 2014 GSK IMPACT Awards, open for applications until 5pm on Friday 20 September 2013, are designed to reward charities doing excellent work to improve people's health.

Recruitment of patient and public voice representatives

NHS England is advertising for patient and public voice representatives to join two senior clinical advisory groups, the Clinical Priorities Advisory Group  and the Rare Diseases Advisory Group.

Future of commissioning support services

NHS England has announced its plans for supporting the development of high quality, cost effective support services for NHS commissioners.

Do GP services operate in the best interests of patients?

The deadline to respond to Monitor’s call for evidence on general practice services sector in England is 5pm on Thursday 1 August.

Working together to deliver the Mandate

The King’s Fund has published, Working together to deliver the Mandate, a report on strengthening partnerships between the NHS and the voluntary sector.

Public Health England VCS engagement strategy

Public Health England is developing a VCS engagement strategy and they would welcome your input.

Support for the VCS to understand and influence new health systems

Regional Voices has launched a suite of briefings for the VCS, which aim to support organisations to understand and influence the new health system.


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